Recording bryophytes in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
If you are recording or want to record bryophytes in the Isle of Wight or Hampshire, please contact John Norton in the first instance. We would be very grateful for your records. Reasonably experienced bryologists who visit the county and wish to send in records directly can do so using the spreadsheet recording form (see link below) or by using the printable recording card. Useful information on recording is available on the BBS website. Jonathan Sleath and I would be willing to help with identification of specimens, prior to sending to the BBS referees.
Download the Hampshire and Isle of Wight full recording form or simple version.
Contact details
BBS Southern Group coordinator and VC10/VC11 recorder:
John Norton – john[at]
VC12 recorder:
Jonathan Sleath – jonathan.sleath[at]
Contact John Norton if you would like to be put on the email contact list to receive notification of BBS Southern Group meetings. See the Meetings page for details of forthcoming and recent meetings.
(these open in a new window)
British Bryological Society (BBS)
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT)
Wessex Bryology Group - covers Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset and western Hampshire
Sussex Bryophytes - includes links to blog and South East group meetings programme