Bryophyte habitat lists for Hampshire
These lists are intended to provide a useful aide memoire to bryophyte names in the field but may also help suggest possibilities for an unfamiliar bryophyte encountered in a particular habitat. The lists have been adapted from those published in the BBS field guide, with many additional lowland species added. For completeness the lists for upland habitats and certain coastal habitats not represented in Hampshire have also been included, largely unchanged. Thanks are due to Sam Bosanquet who compiled the lists for allowing them to be reproduced here.
Codes: Species marked R are rare in Hampshire (recorded from fewer than about 10 sites since 1960); r are rare in the particular habitat (may be more frequent in other habitats), X do not occur in the county and NF have been recorded only from the New Forest. N signifies a habitat not present in Hampshire or a species that does not occur in the specified habitat (but which may be present in other habitats). Page numbers are given for the BBS field guide entries, but not (yet) for additional entries. Since March 2017 some X and N species have been deleted in order to tailor the lists more closely to Hampshire, but those remaining may occur in other parts of southern Britain.
Compiled by John Norton; last updated December 2017.
Index to all habitats
Saltmarsh (and coastal grassland affected by salt spray)
Sand dunes and coastal sandy grassland
Dune slacks (N)
Coastal rocks (N)
Coastal cliffs, slopes and banks
Wetland, mire and bog
Ponds and lakes including exposed margins
Rivers and rocky streams (mainly upland) (N)
River banks (especially lowland)
Acidic to neutral fens and flushes
Dry grassland and heathland
Wet woodland, including fen carr
South-eastern woodland floor and rocks
North-western woodland floor and rocks - includes New Forest woodlands
Hyperoceanic woodland floor and rocks (N)
Natural rock and stone
Cliffs, outcrops and boulders (siliceous) (N)
Cliffs, outcrops and boulders (base-rich siliceous) (N)
Cliffs, outcrops and boulders (chalk and limestone) - see Bare/disturbed chalk and limestone (below)
Man-made habitats, bare/disturbed ground
Buildings and walls in cities, towns and villages
Pavements and roads (including asphalt)
Quarries, tracks and waste ground (acidic)