Hampshire 5km square maps (under construction)
Last updated by John Norton, 18 January 2023
The maps below show the distribution of bryophyte taxa recorded in Hampshire (VC11 & 12), plotted at 5km square (quadrant) resolution. The maps are derived from records in the BBS/BRC database (bryophyte data for Great Britain and Ireland from the British Bryological Society held by BRC, compiled October 2022) and those recently submitted to the recorders (up to end December 2022). See the Hampshire hectad maps introduction for further information and acknowledgements. There are 19 taxa which are not mapped because there are no records at better than 10km square precision. [This page will be sorted into an alphabetical index in due course.]
The coloured shading on the maps shows the date class in which the taxon was most recently recorded in each quadrant; blank = no records. The brown shading on the base map shows the New Forest SSSI.
The map below shows the total number of taxa recorded in each 5km square for the two Hampshire vice-counties (current total taxa = 488 out of 507):